Blackhat method of growing your email list

One of the most common questions brand owners have when thinking about emails is “how do I grow my list?”.

You’ve probably thought about buying another emails list. Maybe you’ve thought about using the email list of another brand. Or even submitting your product for an email list influencer giveaway.

(You definitely shouldn’t buy an email list for your Ecom brand because it’ll shatter your deliverability)

Well today, I’m going to reveal how you can capture the email of 85% MORE of your customers - without destroying your deliverability.

And that’s scraping the emails of your website visitors. 

See, the problem with buying lists is that - depending on the source - those people usually have no idea who you are.

So when they get your email, they mark it as spam - which destroys your sender reputation.

But if you can collect the emails of people who’ve been on your website, they know who you are, so they’re less likely to mark it as spam.

The popup is what we suggest, but that only captures the emails of 15% of website visitors AT MOST.

If you're able to get the emails of the other 85%, you’ll be able to properly retarget potential customers with your behavioural based flows, causing a lift in flow revenue by 2-3x.

Of Course it does come with the risk of hurting deliverability, because they didn't explicitly opt in to receive emails.

However, the method i'm going to share only scrapes the emails of the visitors that show the highest buying intent.

So, how do you do this?

First off, this is only legal in the US and Australia.

But for US brands - you can use

For Aussie brands, there's a recent release to the market called Instant Audiences.

Both products work the same and are insanely powerful.

I have links below if you'd like to check them out:



Free Audit

Let Our Friendly Team Audit Your Email Strategy On A No-Obligations Zoom Call